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North Trail Study Area Plan
North Trail Study Area Plan
What about the North TSA do you value/enjoy and why? What could be improved and why? Please be specific (e.g. location).
Help spread the word. Encourage other Boulder residents to participate!

The City of Boulder's Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) Department is developing a community vision for Boulder’s open space north of Linden Avenue and the Diagonal Highway. The purpose of the North Trail Study Area (TSA) Plan is to improve visitor experiences and increase the sustainability of trails while conserving the area’s natural, cultural and agricultural resources.

When thinking about these questions, please keep in mind your experience and knowledge of the area's recreational, natural, agricultural and cultural resources. Comments on these questions will be accepted through May 10 after which new questions will be posted for comment, so please check back frequently.

More Info:
North TSA Map
North TSA Plan Website
Sign up for North TSA Email Updates

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer