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North Trail Study Area Plan Sideboards
North Trail Study Area Plan Sideboards
City seeks feedback on the North Trail Study Area Plan sideboards.
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North Trail Study Area Plan Sideboards

Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) is developing the North Trail Study Area (NTSA) Plan to improve visitor experiences and increase the sustainability of trails while conserving the area’s natural, cultural and agricultural resources.

This plan will deal with just a part of the OSMP land system, and must be consistent with the city’s open space charter, along with city, state and federal laws and regulations. Sideboards identify: the legal constraints of the plan and what is appropriate to consider as part of the plan.

Please review the sideboards which are described in Topic Details, and offer your thoughts about what has been included and what may be missing. Comments on the NTSA Sideboards will be accepted through May 17.

More Info:
North TSA Sideboards
North TSA Sideboard Map
North TSA Plan Website
Sign up for North TSA Email Updates

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer