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Finalist: Cultivate. Educate. Celebration
Finalist: Cultivate. Educate. Celebration
Is this the best idea for a short-term, catalytic project for the Boulder Civic Area?
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Finalist: Cultivate. Educate. Celebration

Development of this project would activate an area along the Creek that has incredible potential for bringing the community closer to this natural amenity and activating an
underutilized area that is currently overrun with vagrant loitering, illegal camping, and other illegal activities. These current activities discourage local Boulder families and citizens from enjoying this amazing environment. This project would program the space for uses that will encourage desirable users and discourage illegal activity. This project will also excite the community by reflecting the energy and
vision of the overall Vision Plan for the Boulder Civic Center.

More Info:
See the project description slideshow
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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer