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Finalist: ONEPark Niisetivii
Finalist: ONEPark Niisetivii
Is this idea the right long-term vision for the Boulder Civic Area?
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Finalist: ONEPark Niisetivii

Our approach is rooted in the metaphorical/physical opportunities to reunite the history and culture of the original people of the Boulder Valley with the values of the people of Boulder today. It is rooted in physical and emotional design solutions to the park and the facilities within it. The concept is of ONE Park – “Niisetivii” (“to be one”). The plan repurposes the existing spaces with uses that are conducive to public engagement,
flood control, research/education, celebration, cultural enrichment, and commercial activity.

Re-connecting the entirety of the land into one unified park.

The organizing element of the park is a 1300’ promenade (5-minute walk) from 13th to the library. This civic gesture links a series of spaces on both sides of an enhanced wetland. This wetland area will be utilized as part of a retention, detention, and cistern based flood control program. This program is intended to allow the creek to swell during a flash flood and to prevent physical harm to person and property. The civic uses will be relocated to remove several of the city functions from the flood plain while addressing and including the relocated/new space requirements proposed by the citizens of Boulder through the public visioning process.

More Info:
See the project description slideshow

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer